Become a sponsor of Stand Up and Sing for Kids!
We couldn’t hold this event without the support of our sponsors. A sponsorship is an opportunity for your business, organization or large group to support Canopy Center’s mission to strengthen families and support children impacted by trauma and adversity; and receive meaningful recognition in the community.
We are looking forward to hosting our annual Stand Up & Sing for Kids fundraiser at the Goodman Community Center this year and will be welcoming Canopy Center supporters including local businesses, family law firms, insurance agencies, technical and software companies, and more, to join us for an evening of music and inspiration.
Canopy Center views our sponsors as partners and we want our partnership to be a meaningful one. Below is a list of the sponsorship levels available and a description of what is included. To become a sponsor, fill out the sponsorship form at the bottom of this page.
For questions or to discuss further, please email: development@canopycenter.org.
Sponsorship Levels
Please note: Some changes have been made from previous years.
Marquee Sponsor – $5,000 – Named before the event as a presenting sponsor, named prominently in all media publicity, including print, digital media, and in local calendars. Two tables of eight and sixteen drink tickets for the event are included.
Gold Star Sponsor – $2,500 – Featured in digital media and some print publicity materials. Recognition at the event. One table of eight for the event and eight drink tickets are included.
Silver Star Sponsor – $1,000 – Featured in some digital media. Recognition at the event. One table of eight for the event and eight drink tickets are included.
Family & Friends Sponsor – $500 – Recognition at the event. One table of eight for the event and eight drink tickets are included.

Media Advertising Overview
DIGITAL MEDIA: Prior to and following the event, sponsors will be recognized on the Canopy Center website (1000+ visitors per month on average), the Canopy Center Facebook and Instagram pages (1150+ followers), and in direct e-blasts out to Canopy Center’s mailing lists (1000+ subscribers).
LOCAL CALENDARS: The event will be posted on local calendars, such as WISC-TV, NBC-15, the Isthmus, and Madison.com.
PRINT: Mailer to Canopy Center’s mailing list. Flyers and posters distributed and posted throughout Madison and the surrounding area.
TELEVISION: Will work to secure an interview on a local news station.
RECOGNITION AT THE EVENT: Sponsors are featured in the event program and on signage at the venue on the night of the event. Expected attendance: 200.
Incredible Bank
Wegner CPAs
Stafford Rosenbaum LLP