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Client Stories

Davis Family

     The Davis family had the longest visits Parent to Child has supervised. For a year and a half, Parent to Child staff spent six hours every Saturday with Mom, Dad, and three children who were 6 years, 4 years, and a newborn infant when visits first started. In the summer the family had picnics outside, played water games, drew with sidewalk chalk, blew bubbles, made giant artwork with paint-filled water balloons, and even spent a nice sunny day tie-dying t-shirts. Cold weather brought more outdoor activities. The family built snowmen, went sledding, and raced toboggans, all made possible by generous donations of winter clothing and sleds.

     Inside the center, the family opened Christmas gifts together, had birthday parties for each other, cooked and ate lunch together in the agency’s full kitchen, and even watched their baby take her first steps. Other indoor activities were almost endless in number: playing board games, making bracelets, playing catch, racing scooters, building forts with giant blocks, playing “restaurant,” reading books, painting, making (a lot!) of slime, and spending hours on the indoor swing--one of the children’s favorite activities. Most importantly, the family made memories together and built trusting and loving relationships.

     At the end of the year and a half together, Parent to Child said goodbye to the fun-filled Saturdays with the Davis family...but for the best reason possible. Thanks to Mom and Dad’s hard work and dedication to their children, they had progressed to unsupervised, in-home visits. Soon after, the family was successfully reunified.

Canopy Center